Now Hear This

Friday 13 June 1:00pm Classical Music
Tickets £3.00

Venue: Royal Concert Hall

Running time: Running time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Important Information

Under 14s must be accompanied by an adult aged 18+

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Now Hear This with the Hallé is a unique concert specially designed to offer thousands of children on the Whole Class Ensemble Teaching programme the opportunity to play and sing with an international symphony orchestra.

This year’s theme is One Small Step for Man, inspired by Neil Armstrong and the Moon landings, exploring amazing worlds in space through music from across the galaxies. Our journey into Space includes two instrumental pieces to play along with, two songs to sing and a dance piece to get you moving. Young musicians experience the power of a symphony orchestra first hand, as well as being a part of it.

Working with schools through the Inspire Nottinghamshire Music Hub, Now Hear This with the Hallé is a concert for Key Stage 2 children singing or learning a musical instrument at Primary Schools, Independent Schools or in Home Education. This concert presents a variety of music which enables collaboration between the world-class musicians of the Hallé and young instrumentalists at the start of their musical journey.

To book, simply download the Booking Information Pack here and send your completed form to:

Programme to include:

The Hallé
Euan Shields
Presenter Ruth Rosales

Richard Strauss – Also Sprach Zarathustra
Gustav Holst – Jupiter (from The Planets)
Various, Arr. R Graff – Space Dance
Benjamin Britten – Dawn (from Four Sea Interludes)
Ludwig van Beethoven – Movement 1 (from Symphony No. 5)*
Gustav Holst – Venus (from The Planets)
Marc Winstanley – Stars†
Delia Derbyshire – Doctor Who Theme
Gustav Holst – Mars (from The Planets)*
Benjamin Britten – Storm (from Four Sea Interludes)
Aaron Copland – Fanfare For The Common Man
Lucy Spraggan – Lucky Stars†
John Williams – Main Title (from Star Wars)

*Come and Play
†Come And Sing